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We connect people, with world class development

Our Work In The Wild

Our story is funny, so here it is – it all started with 3 guys from 3 different countries meeting each other in Malta.

Modern Agency Total Theme Case Study

Our story is a funny one, so here it is: it all started with three guys from three different countries meeting in Malta, doing various different things and trying to find a career path.  Upon meeting and talking about our different life goals, we realised that we all had skills and interests in common that complemented each other well, and we got talking about doing some work together.  That is how Connectr Group was born; we combined our skillsets and created this website development organization that you see before you now, with a focus on SEO, graphics, web optimization, online marketing and so much more.

Sustainable Total Theme Case Study

Throughout the process of creating this company, we always had the same goals at heart: to build a system that fully programs and maintains websites for other companies, so that they don’t have to worry about upkeep and online presence – we do it all so that you don’t have to! What’s more, we built a structure that builds and maintains your website on a month-by-month basis as a subscription service, so you aren’t just getting a one-off treatment, but constant upkeep so that your website stays current and present at all times.  We feel that this sets us apart from other web-development companies; we will be with you every step of the way, making sure that you are brought a fully packaged solution.

Samus Total Theme Case Study

In order for your company to thrive, you need to make sure that your brand has distinctive qualities and an image that sets you apart from companies with similar goals to you.  Brand awareness is what will bring customers back again and again, and also what differentiates you from your competitors.  At Connectr we want to make sure that you have an exciting brand identity, which we can then push to consumers and other types of customers.

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